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The Ultimate Guide to Moving in The Winter: 10 Tips to Make It Easier

19 November 2023, Su

Are you thinking about relocating during the winter months? It's not as tough as it may sound. In fact, a winter move can be a clever choice. The months of December, January, and February are the off-peak season for moving companies. This can result in more competitive prices, a greater availability of staff, and a wider selection of moving dates for you to pick from. As long as you're open to taking a few extra steps and precautions to ensure a smooth transition, there's nothing to worry about.

Every season comes with its own set of advantages and challenges, and winter is no different. The weather might pose some difficulties, and schools may still be in session. Additionally, you might not be too thrilled about moving with the holiday season around the corner. However, with adequate preparation and planning, you can have a successful and stress-free winter move.

Here's our winter moving guide, complete with the upsides and downsides, things to keep in mind during your move, tips on safeguarding your home on moving day, and more.

Pros and Cons of Winter Moving


Moving in the winter offers various advantages. Here are five reasons why it can be a great choice.

  • Moving in the off-season can be significantly more cost-effective.

Winter months are generally a budget-friendly time to relocate when compared to the warmer seasons. Many families prefer to move during the summer, and with kids in school, winter becomes an off-peak season for moving. This results in reduced demand for moving companies, which translates to lower moving rates for customers.

  • The cost savings extend to storage as well.

If you require storage services between moves, renting storage units is typically more affordable during the winter months. You might even come across better move-in deals along with lower monthly rental fees.

  • Winter also offers more scheduling flexibility.

Since moving companies aren't as swamped with work, they're more likely to accommodate your scheduling needs and special requests. This flexibility empowers you to plan your move according to your ideal timeline.

  • Less competition.

Another advantage of moving in the winter is the limited inventory in the housing market. The winter months aren't the prime time to sell a house in most areas, but not everyone can wait until spring. The benefit for you is that your home is likely to receive more attention from potential buyers due to reduced competition.

  • Real estate agents are more motivated to assist you in selling your home during the winter.

With fewer homes on the market, agents are eager to attract your business and provide more attention to your listing. As a seller, this motivation on their part means a quicker turnaround for you, allowing you to move on to your next adventure more swiftly.

winter moving


While winter moves have their advantages, they also come with their share of drawbacks. However, with proper awareness and planning, you can mitigate these risks.

  • Inclement weather is a significant concern.

The cold temperatures, ice, snow, and rain can be off-putting for many winter movers. They introduce additional steps to the moving process, such as waterproofing your belongings and ensuring walkways are salted, and can create hazardous driving conditions. Slips and falls leading to injuries are also more likely. Moreover, weather conditions in winter can be notably unpredictable, adding another layer of uncertainty to your move.

  • The holiday season may also pose a challenge.

Depending on your winter move schedule, you might miss out on quality time with family and friends, as well as the chance to decorate and fully enjoy the holidays. To navigate this, keep reading our guide on how to streamline your move during the festive season, allowing you to have the best of both worlds.

  • Shorter daylight hours in the winter can complicate your move.

Daylight saving time occurs during the first week of November, causing the sun to set as early as 5 PM in many regions. Consequently, if you wish to avoid loading the truck in the dark, you'll need to plan for an early start, particularly as it can get quite dark depending on your location.

  • Extreme temperatures can be damaging to certain belongings.

Delicate items such as electronics, dishware, musical instruments, and plants are vulnerable to the cold. As a result, you'll need to take extra precautions while moving, ensuring these items aren't left in the truck or storage unit for extended periods without a heat source. We'll provide more details below on how to safeguard these possessions.

  • Winter can be challenging for curb appeal.

Another consideration is making your home appealing to potential buyers. To address this, consider removing dead plants and branches from your property, clearing driveways, and salting walkways to prevent slipping. When it comes to staging, it might be best to hold off on holiday decorations, as not everyone observes the same holidays and excessive decor can be distracting. Remember that the goal of staging is to help potential buyers envision themselves living in the home.

Moving in The Winter

10 Helpful Tips for Moving in The Winter

1. Get ready to be flexible

Winter weather can be quite unpredictable. One day it's clear, and the next day it might be pouring down rain or snowing. You could also encounter strong winds, hail, or other unpredictable conditions. In the weeks leading up to your move, it's crucial to closely monitor the weather forecasts and potential conditions. If there's a significant storm in the forecast for your moving day, it might be a good idea to get in touch with your moving company or truck rental provider to reschedule. While this might not always be an option, the lighter workload for these companies in the winter should make rescheduling relatively easy. After all, they're not particularly eager to venture out into a blizzard, and chances are, neither are you!

2. Clear the walkways and driveway

Clearing the pathways and driveway is essential, regardless of the season. Having clear, safe paths in and out of your old and new homes significantly reduces the stress and risk associated with moving in winter. It's advisable to visit your new home before moving in, especially during the winter when ice and snow can create slippery conditions. Clear all walkways of ice and snow, and use salt or sand to prevent slippery surfaces. Ensure that your moving company isn't parking on a designated plow route. You don't want your movers to navigate through slush and snowbanks while loading and unloading your belongings. If you can't inspect your new home before moving day, have a realtor or property manager check for potential hazards. Similarly, at your current home, clear snow, ice, or anything that could pose a hazard from the walkways, driveway, and street.

3. Protect your floors

To protect your floors, your moving team will bring neoprene floor runners, especially for hardwood floors. If you have a lot of hardwood or want to ensure carpet protection, communicate this to your moving company, so they can bring additional floor runners and carpet protection. It's also a good practice to have some towels on hand during your move. These can be used to wipe up any outside water that finds its way inside, preventing it from being tracked throughout your home and damaging your floors. While some clients request that movers wear disposable shoe coverings or booties, this may not be the best option.

These coverings can reduce traction and create safety hazards, as movers often carry heavy items up and down stairs and through narrow hallways. It can also slow down the winter moving process, increasing your overall moving cost. Remember that your moving crew is just as concerned about protecting your floors as you are. Openly discuss your concerns with them to find the best approach that balances protection with efficiency. Avoiding floor cleaning and repairs is a moving cost you definitely want to minimize.

Additional tip: Avoid utilizing plastic tarps for safeguarding your carpets or floors. Plastic materials are inherently slippery, and they can become even more treacherous if they become wet.

4. Protect your belongings

Certain items aren't well-suited for cold weather. While your moving crew will handle the packing and wrapping of your belongings with the utmost care, you might face some challenges if you're utilizing an unheated storage container for your move or managing the move without professional movers.

Electronics are particularly susceptible to malfunction in extreme temperatures. Delicate items like glassware and dishware can also become brittle when exposed to the cold. You can shield these items from the cold by double-wrapping them and placing them inside insulated boxes. In a pinch, that beer cooler you haven't used since summer can help keep the elements at bay!

Additionally, there are specific items best moved in your car rather than being packed into a storage container or rental truck. Here are a few examples:

  • Musical Instruments: Instruments like guitars and pianos are sensitive to temperature changes. Cold weather can cause the wood to warp or crack, and the strings to snap.
  • Liquid Items: Any liquid items that might freeze, such as bottles of water, soda, shampoo, and household cleaners, should be kept in a temperature-controlled environment. Water expands when it freezes, which can lead to containers bursting.
  • Prescriptions and Medications: Whether you have a prescription or take over-the-counter medications, it's advisable to safeguard them from cold temperatures. Some medications can lose their effectiveness when they freeze, potentially requiring you to replace expensive medicines on top of the expenses associated with your move.

It might seem obvious, but it's crucial to remember the importance of dressing warmly while packing your belongings. The winter weather can get quite chilly, so be sure to dress appropriately. Layer up, wear gloves, and put on warm boots to keep yourself comfortable and protected. Layering not only keeps you warm, but also provides flexibility in case you need to bend down and pick up dropped items along the way. Always safeguard yourself from the cold when you're outside, and make sure to warm up once you're back indoors.

Moving in The Winter

5. Show appreciation for your movers

Moving during the winter can be more challenging compared to the summer. Therefore, it's often a smart choice to hire professionals to load and unload your belongings. They come with invaluable experience in handling winter moves and are better equipped to navigate the challenges that may arise.

To express your gratitude for their hard work, consider preparing a pot of coffee, hot cocoa, or non-alcoholic apple cider to keep your movers warm when they take breaks. This small gesture will undoubtedly be greatly appreciated. While it's not obligatory, tipping your movers after a job well done is an excellent way to acknowledge their efforts.

6. Prepare your vehicle for a long-distance move

If your move involves covering a significant distance, it's advisable to have your car serviced before the journey to ensure it's in proper working condition. In case any issues arise during the trip, it's prudent to pack warm blankets, coats, hats, boots, and gloves in the car, rather than including them with the rest of your belongings in the moving container or truck. This ensures you won't find yourself stranded on the side of the road without adequate warm clothing.

Additionally, load any necessary items for cold-weather driving, such as tire chains and ice scrapers. Being over-prepared is preferable to being underprepared, as it ensures you're ready for any unexpected situations.

7. Allow for extra travel time

Moving in the snow or adverse weather conditions invariably requires more time than driving on clear roads. Therefore, it's essential to allocate additional travel time to reach your destination. If movers are scheduled to meet you at your new home to unload your belongings, maintain communication with the driver in case any scheduling adjustments are necessary.

For those using a moving container, you primarily need to know when it's due for delivery. In the case of other companies, request a call ahead of time. While planning your route in advance is a good practice, be prepared to make alterations if needed. Snowplow schedules can be unpredictable, potentially affecting your preferred route. Most smartphones are equipped with mapping apps that can adapt your route to accommodate possible traffic issues that may cause delays.

8. Ensure nour New home is ready for unpacking

Similar to your previous home, it's crucial to clear walkways of ice and snow and protect your floors before you begin moving items into your new residence.

Considering that daylight hours are shorter in winter, strategize the timing for unpacking your belongings. For those moving with a container, determine the delivery schedule at your new home. If the delivery is scheduled for late in the day, it might be more convenient to leave your items in the container overnight instead of starting the unpacking process immediately. This way, you can commence fresh in the morning when ample natural light is available.

In the event that unloading must occur after dark, confirm that exterior lighting is functional in advance. Alternatively, you can use hanging lights or headlamps to illuminate your path for a smoother after-dark move. While it might seem obvious, ensure that utilities in your new home are turned on a day before you start unpacking. This preparation will help streamline the unpacking process.

9. Ensure you find a warm and comfortable space for children and pets.

During the moving process, your home's doors are likely to be left open. If your move coincides with cold weather, your home's heating system might struggle to maintain a comfortable temperature for children, the elderly, or pets.

To address this, consider the following steps for vulnerable household members during cold-weather moves:

  • Hire a babysitter to take older kids to the movies.
  • Ask a family member to watch your kids for a few hours.
  • If you lack family nearby, seek out daycare facilities suitable for kids, older adults, and pets.
  • Consult friends and coworkers for recommendations on places offering short-term caretaker services.

If you can't find someone to oversee children and pets, dedicate a warm section of your home during the moving activities. Provide plenty of blankets for the kids in the warm area, and help them and adults dress in layers for added warmth. Assign a responsible adult to supervise activities such as TV watching, games, meals, and space heaters.

10. Prepare a winter survival kit

Moving during the winter demands extra precautions. You must safeguard your belongings while they're exposed to the elements, and you need to anticipate unpredictable weather. To handle these challenges effectively, consider assembling a winter survival kit. This kit should consist of essential items that you can store in a small box, conveniently kept in your moving truck or van. These items will be your lifeline when you encounter unexpected obstacles on your moving journey.

Here's what you should include in your winter survival kit:

  • Shovel: For digging out stuck vehicles and clearing paths.
  • Sandbags/salt: To use on steps and driveways in icy conditions.
  • Snow brush and ice scraper: Essential for clearing off your vehicle.
  • Flashlight with spare batteries: For illumination in case you're stuck outside at night.

Additionally, ensure you pack extra blankets, warm clothing, food, water, and a first aid kit. Unpredictable weather can pose various challenges on moving day, so it's wise to be well-prepared for any situation that may arise. Your winter survival kit will be your safety net during the move.

Moving in The Winter

How to Save on Your Winter Move?

Moving during the winter can be cost-effective if you plan smartly.

Here are some winter moving tips to help you save money:

  • Pack Your Own Boxes: Consider packing your belongings yourself. Look out for free packing materials like newspapers or bubble wrap, especially right after Christmas.
  • Choose a Rental Truck with Unlimited Mileage: If you're renting a truck, opt for one with unlimited mileage. This will prevent additional fees for exceeding a certain mileage limit.
  • Factor in Utility Costs: Don't forget to include utility costs in your moving budget. While landlords and companies may cover basic services, expenses for water, electricity, and gas can be high, especially in the winter when energy use tends to increase due to colder temperatures.

Plan and budget for these costs accordingly. With some advanced planning and research, you can successfully save money on your winter move. Being mindful of these money-saving strategies can help you transition to your new home while keeping some extra cash in your pocket.


Winter home buying has its perks, but moving during this season can pose certain challenges. Nevertheless, securing the services of the top movers in Chicago is essential to ensure a smooth and stress-free move, all while potentially saving you money! Move4U is well-accustomed to conducting moves throughout the year, even in the unpredictable and occasionally inclement weather conditions of Chicago. We possess the expertise to assist you in executing a seamless and cost-effective move. Feel free to visit our website for a complimentary estimate, or get in touch with us to address any concerns you may have regarding a winter move.


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