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Moving checklist

5 Weeks to your Move

  1. Create plans for your mover for moving day.

  2. Remove things from your attic, garage, and storage shed, among other places.

  3. Begin using up items that cannot be moved, such as frozen meals and cleaning supplies.

  4. For details about your new city, contact the chamber of commerce or visitor's and tourism bureaus in your new community.

4 Weeks to your Move

  1. When you're moving at the behest of your employer, make sure you understand which costs and obligations are theirs and which are yours.

  2. For more details about what moving costs can be tax-deductible, contact the IRS and/or your accountant.

  3. Begin by taking an inventory of your belongings and evaluating them. Determine anything you haven't used in the last year and sell or recycle it.

  4. Make a list of anyone you need to tell about your move, including families, professionals, creditors, subscriptions, and so on.

  5. Obtain a mail subscription to the adopted town's daily paper to become acquainted with local government, community, and social news and events.

  6. Find all registration and licensing papers for your vehicle.

  7. If you need to store some of your belongings, make the required preparations now. Your relocation specialist should be able to assist you.

  8. Obtain backups of your medical records from teachers, hospitals, dentists, lawyers, and accountants. Wherever necessary, request referrals.

3 Weeks to your Move

  1. Fill out a Change of Address form and return it to the post office.

  2. Make special arrangements for your dogs and trees.

  3. Contact utilities and associated providers (gas, electric, oil, water, internet, cable TV, and garbage collection) to disconnect and reconnect service at your old and new addresses. However, keep your phone and services attached at your current residence on moving day.

2 Weeks to your Move

  1. To arrange policy of your new house, contact coverage providers (auto, homeowner's or renter's, personal, and life).

  2. Purchase moving boxes from the nearest mover if you're loading yourself. Pack something you won't use in the next month.

1 Week to your Move

  1. Clear up all unpaid bills with local merchants.

  2. Don't forget to get your safety deposit box contents, pick up some dry cleaning, return library books and borrowed DVDs, and so on.

  3. Take your pets to the vet for any required immunizations. Obtain copies of the pets' medical history.

  4. Remove the gas and oil from the control equipment (lawn mowers, snow blowers, etc.).

  5. Plants that are not being relocated should be given away.

  6. Prepare detailed instructions to your new apartment for your moving company. (Include your itinerary, emergency contact details, and so on.)

0ne or two days to your Move

  1. Verify that someone is available to answer the van foreman's questions.

  2. Keep track with all utility meter readings (gas, electric, water).

  3. Before you sign your bill of lading and inventory, thoroughly read them. Keep it – and all associated documents – in a secure position until all costs have been charged and all claims, if any, have been resolved.

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