What To Do While Movers Are Moving

08 January 2024

The whole lead-up to a move is a crazy whirlwind of logistics and timing. But this time, you went the smart route and got some movers to handle the apartment packing gig. It's a total time-saver, but now you find yourself with a bit less on your to-do list. Sure, having the pros take charge of packing and relocating is a game-changer, but there are still a few moves (pun intended) to make moving day super smooth for everyone. So, instead of twiddling your thumbs on moving day, think about what you can chip in while the movers do their thing.

Explore these strategies and things to do for a smoother moving experience, both when the movers are in action and throughout the entire relocation process.

Before Movers Arrive

Alright, bringing in the movers to pack doesn't mean turning your apartment into a chaotic mystery for them to navigate. You've got to prep a bit:

Decluttering is a key

First up, declutter like it's a Marie Kondo mission. Donate what's still good, toss the broken stuff, and clear the decks in every nook and cranny. We're talking more than just a closet clean-out—time to part ways with those extra coffee mugs and that serving platter twin taking up space.

On packers' day, make their job smoother by throwing open all the closets, cabinets, and drawers. Let them see the lay of the land. And if you've gathered some packing supplies, like free boxes or paper, toss those in the mix to make their job even easier.

Finish Packing

Unless you've hired the moving company for packing, tackle this task yourself. Leaving everything scattered on moving day can frustrate your movers and stretch out the process, affecting your moving costs. Efficiently packed belongings save time and money.

Strip the Bed

Start your day by removing and folding sheets, blankets, and pillowcases. This quick step helps movers load your mattress and disassemble the bed frame promptly.

Unplug Electronics

Even if movers are handling packing, disconnect and unplug electronics beforehand. It avoids any issues with delicate setups and keeps your moving crew moving efficiently.

Label Boxes

As you pack, label boxes with their destination in the new home. Include a special mark for fragile items. Designate boxes that need to be unpacked first, ensuring a more organized unloading process.

should you help your movers

Measure Furniture and Doorways

Don't assume everything will fit through the door. Measure furniture and doorways to identify pieces that may need disassembly. Inform movers about such items right from the start. This foresight can save time and prevent headaches on moving day.

Do movers really pack your stuff?

Ever wondered if movers really roll up their sleeves and pack your life away? Absolutely! Just like you've got home chefs and cleaning teams, there are movers ready to tackle the task. Full-service moving companies go the extra mile, not just securing your furniture but boxing up everything before the big truck dance. They load it up, whisk it away, and voila, unpack it at your new digs. Some even offer to unpack it all for you – for a fee, of course.

But let's be real, this packing deal is an add-on, and it comes with its own price tag. Sure, it saves you the hassle, but it means having folks in your space, hands-on with all your stuff. Before you take the plunge, weigh those pros and cons carefully.

Do you help movers while they pack?

If you wonder «Am I supposed to help movers?» our answer is «Not really». When the moving fiesta is in full swing, you don't have to be part of the packing posse. However, there's a catch. Certain things should be pre-packed by you, especially the sentimental or valuable stuff. You know, the things that might not scream importance to a mover but are priceless to you.

And then, there's the no-pack list for safety reasons:

  • Valuables like cash or bling
  • Personal items like meds
  • Chemicals
  • Plants, pets, live ammo
  • Weapons
  • Equipment playing the heavy card at 600 pounds and above

But wait, there's more. Movers won’t touch anything that looks like it hosted a bug party or got too cozy with mold, or if it's soaked in mystery fluids. Bed bugs had a feast on your mattress? Movers won't touch it, and you probably shouldn't either. That well-loved dog bed? It's a solo trip with your furry friend. Keep it real and keep it packed right.

what to do while movers are packing

What to do while movers are packing?

Navigating the awkwardness of others packing your belongings during a move can be challenging. While you can't leave your home, you also don't want to hover, especially if the professionals are doing a good job. Instead of idling away this time so close to your moving day, here's how to stay productive without getting in the way:

1. Assemble Your Essentials

What to do while packers are packing? Take inspiration from your packers and engage in some packing yourself. Designate an "essentials box" or "essentials suitcase" for items you'll carry personally. This can include changes of clothes, crucial documents, jewelry, electronic devices, and chargers — basically, anything necessary during and after your move or items you want to keep a close eye on.

Prepare this essentials box the day before the movers arrive, and when they commence their work, start packing. Once done, consider placing it in your car for the day or position it in an empty closet with a "do not open, do not pack" sign to ensure it stays untouched by the packers.

2. Final Clean-Up

While not all rooms will be entirely empty after packing, you'll have more access to space. Coordinate with your movers to ensure you're never all in the same room, allowing you to perform some last-minute cleaning. Vacuum carpets, sweep floors, dust surfaces, and give the bathroom a final spot clean for a fresh departure.

3. Offer Refreshments

Express gratitude to your movers by providing refreshments. Moving, especially with heavy items, can be strenuous, and your movers will appreciate a light snack or cold drinks to keep them energized. Create a station with bottled water, coffee, and grab-and-go snacks for everyone to stay alert. A cooler with ice will maintain cold beverages throughout the day, and a carafe of pre-made coffee simplifies caffeination.

Around noon, allow the crew a lunch break for refueling. While it's not obligatory to feed the entire crew, if you choose to do so, opt for something easy and crowd-friendly, like pizza or sandwiches.

4. Quick Check for Leftovers

Even the most organized folks might miss a thing or two when packing—happens in hotel rooms, right? After the packers finish up a room, do a quick check, peeking into shelves, drawers, under furniture, and all those sneaky spots. If you find anything, stash it in another room's box. No biggie — it's a common thing for all of us.

5. Keep the Little Ones and Furballs Busy

Kids and pets + movers = potential chaos. If you can't arrange off-site care, keep them out of the hustle. Pets are cool in an empty room with snacks, toys, and their essentials. Kids? Give 'em an iPad, some games, or unleash them in a nearby park to burn off that extra energy.

6. Don’t Overmanage

What you should not do is to overmanage. Trust the movers; they're the pros in moving stuff from A to B. Skip the micromanaging and resist the urge to play moving supervisor. Instead, focus on ensuring your stuff is packed and labeled well. It helps the movers and avoids unnecessary hiccups.

7. Give Them Space

Sure, point out the fragile stuff and the tricky spots, but resist the urge to be a moving maestro directing every box. Trust their know-how; that's why you hired them. Pros know their drill, and they'll find you if they have questions.

8. Be Around When Needed

Not everything in your home is self-explanatory. Your packers might have questions, and things run smoother when you're there with answers. Before the packing frenzy begins, walk them through the game plan. Show them the designated bathroom stocked with essentials. Stay accessible throughout the day for any queries, ensuring a smooth, respectful flow.

9. Safeguard the Valuables

Keep the precious stuff like jewelry or artwork close — stash them in your car. Let the movers handle the heavy lifting; your smaller treasures can ride shotgun with you. Be aware of items restricted on trucks, such as flammable or perishable goods. Consult with your movers about these guidelines to ensure a smooth move.

10. Payment Prep

Have your payment game on point. For card payments, share the info when you book. If it's cash, ensure you've got enough to cover the actual move. Running to the bank mid-move isn't ideal. Clarify the estimated cost and keep some extra cash handy, just in case. And hey, if your movers nail it, a tip is a great way to say thanks!


Don't expect to be twiddling your thumbs when you hire a full-service moving squad. While they tackle the heavy lifting, your role is to oversee and ensure everything on your checklist is ticked off. Pack early, keep the movers fueled, watch out for tiny toes, tidy up, and be there for questions. With Move4U, whether it's a local shuffle or a cross-country journey, our skilled team is ready for any moving challenge. Your new home is just around the corner!

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