How to Pack a Messy House to Move

04 September 2024

Packing up a messy house can be an overwhelming task. When faced with clutter and chaos, it’s essential to have a plan in place to make the process manageable and efficient. Whether you’re dealing with accumulated belongings, disorganized spaces, or simply a lack of time, this guide will help you learn how to pack a messy house to move with ease.

How to purge your house for a move

1. Create a Plan and Set Goals

Assess the Situation. Start by walking through your home and assessing the level of mess in each room. Take note of areas that need the most attention and create a list of tasks. This will help you understand the scope of the work and prioritize tasks.

Set Goals and Deadlines. Break down the packing process into smaller, manageable tasks and set goals for each day. Having deadlines will keep you on track and prevent procrastination. For example, aim to declutter and pack one room per day.

Gather Supplies. Before you start packing, gather all necessary supplies. You’ll need boxes in various sizes, packing tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, markers, and labels. Having everything on hand will save you time and reduce stress.

2. Declutter and Purge

One of the most crucial steps in packing a messy house is decluttering. Here’s how to effectively purge your belongings:

  • Sort Items by Category Instead of tackling entire rooms, sort items by category. For example, gather all clothing, books, kitchen items, and paperwork. This method, inspired by the KonMari method, allows you to see how much of each category you have and make better decisions about what to keep.
  • Use the Four-Box Method Label four boxes or bins as "Keep," "Donate," "Sell," and "Trash." As you go through each item, decide which box it belongs in. This method helps you stay organized and prevents items from being moved to the new house unnecessarily.
  • Be Ruthless When deciding what to keep, be honest with yourself about whether you need or use each item. If you haven’t used something in the past year, it’s likely you don’t need it. Sentimental items can be the hardest to part with, but remember that memories are in your heart, not in things.

3. Start with the Least Used Rooms

Begin packing in rooms that you use the least, such as the attic, basement, or guest room. This allows you to start packing without disrupting your daily life. Once these rooms are packed, you can use them to store boxes and packed items from other areas of the house.

Pack away seasonal items like holiday decorations, off-season clothing, and sporting equipment. These items are not needed immediately and can be packed early in the process.

4. Use a Systematic Packing Approach

Room-by-Room Packing. Pack one room at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Start by packing non-essential items and gradually move to essentials as the moving day approaches. Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to in the new house.

Keep Essentials Separate. Pack a box or suitcase with essential items you’ll need immediately after the move, such as toiletries, a change of clothes, important documents, medications, and basic kitchen supplies. This will make your first few days in the new house more comfortable.

Pack Similar Items Together. Keep similar items together to make unpacking easier. For example, pack all kitchen utensils in one box, all books in another, and so on. This helps maintain organization and makes finding items simpler once you move in.

5. Protect Fragile Items

Fragile items such as glassware, dishes, and electronics need extra protection. Use bubble wrap, packing paper, and sturdy boxes to ensure these items are safe during transit. Place heavier items at the bottom of the box and lighter items on top.

Clearly label boxes containing fragile items with "Fragile" and "Handle with Care." This will alert movers to take extra precautions with these boxes.

6. Enlist Help

Don’t be afraid to ask friends or family members for help! Packing can be a daunting task, and having extra hands can speed up the process and make it more enjoyable. Offer to return the favor in the future to show your appreciation. If the task seems too overwhelming, consider hiring professional movers like Move4U. Many moving companies offer packing services and can efficiently handle the job for you. This can be a worthwhile investment, especially if you’re short on time.

7. Stay Organized and Maintain Momentum

Keep a Packing Inventory. Maintain an inventory list of packed boxes and their contents. This will help you keep track of your belongings and make unpacking easier. You can use a notebook, spreadsheet, or a moving app to stay organized.

Stay Motivated. Packing a messy house can be exhausting, so it’s essential to stay motivated. Take breaks when needed, reward yourself for completing tasks, and keep the end goal in mind. Visualize your new, organized home to stay focused.

8. Final Tips for Packing a Messy House

  • Clean as You Go: As you pack, take the opportunity to clean each area. Dust shelves, wipe down surfaces, and vacuum floors. This will save you time when you arrive at your new home and start unpacking.
  • Stay Flexible: Despite your best efforts, moving can be unpredictable. Stay flexible and be prepared to adjust your plans as needed. Keep a positive attitude and focus on the exciting new chapter ahead.
  • Plan for Moving Day: Make sure you have a plan for moving day itself. Arrange for transportation, confirm details with the moving company, and ensure you have all necessary paperwork and keys. Being prepared will reduce stress and ensure a smooth move.

Read More: 35 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Moving Company


Learning how to pack a messy house to move can seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach and mindset, it’s entirely manageable. By creating a plan, decluttering, and using systematic packing methods, you can turn a chaotic situation into an organized move. Remember, the key is to stay organized, enlist help when needed, and maintain a positive attitude. And if the task becomes too overwhelming, professional movers are always available to lend a hand. Happy moving!

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